Founded in 2017 by Phillip Terry, Pogo Energy is a reputable provider of retail electric energy that serves residential customers throughout areas of Texas. With 12 employees, Pogo offers electricity without commitment or contract, and customers can enroll in 60 seconds right on the phone, enabling them to quickly get low rate renewable electricity.
Pogo Energy provides numerous commitments to their customers and claims that they are in business to treat their customers right. All of the company’s positive reviews rave about Pogo Energy’s customer service and great pricing.
On their site, Pogo states that they believe most customers save a few hundred dollars a year. One reason for this claim is that they offer low rates and discounts. They also do not charge startup, disconnect, or late payment fees. Pogo allows the customer to be in control of how much they pay.
The energy company is proud to offer a 100% clean energy option that does not require a deposit or credit check. Customers can get electricity with no commitment or contract. Their satisfaction guarantee enables people to switch to another provider without penalty if they are ever unhappy with their service. Additionally, their Pogo Pay as You Go Electricity Plan gives back with Pogo Monthly Rewards.
If customers need energy assistance, Pogo Energy has agreements with local assistance agencies to help. All customers are pre-approved for Pogo Energy’s Deferred Payment Plan.